How to Create a Killer Writer Portfolio That Lands You the Job

Eileen Ystheim
6 min readMay 26, 2022

Are you a writer who is looking for a job? If so, you need to create a killer writer portfolio that will stand out from the competition.

@Elisall via Twenty20

Building a freelance writing portfolio can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. An excellent writer portfolio can help you land your dream job, while a poor one can ruin your chances.

In this blog post, I’ll discuss how to create a writer portfolio that lands you the job.

What is a writer portfolio, and why do you need one

When I graduated from my journalism studies, I realized that my shiny Bachelor wasn’t actually worth much. Potential employers wanted one thing and one thing only: a portfolio that showcased my writing skills.

A writer portfolio is a collection of your writing samples that you can show to potential employers. It is the best way to showcase your skills and experience, and it can make or break your chances of getting hired. Investing the time to create a great writer portfolio is worth it, as it will help you land better clients and jobs.

How to create a writer portfolio that stands out

When creating your writer portfolio, you want to make sure that it stands out…



Eileen Ystheim

Journalist gone freelance. Wrote my way to 100k. Helping others do the same with books & courses. Neurodivergent. Crazy cat lady. Fueled by coffee & creativity